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Foxglove WIP

Foxglove is a wip video game, my responsibilties thus far have been,,
1. Creation of the shader.
2. Modeling/texturing, = Receive concept -> model, unwrap, and send back -> receive diffuse -> extrapolate specular, normal, and metal from the diffuse -> Add to and adjust model based on the diffuse.

I will be continuing to update this page with my contributions over the course of development.

You can follow the illustrator responsible for the diffuse textures and concept art @

You can follow the project lead / programmer @

The bear was created entirely by me. I set up this simple test scene in Blender to facilitate a prototype shader creation. (based on a concept art from Laura)

The bear was created entirely by me. I set up this simple test scene in Blender to facilitate a prototype shader creation. (based on a concept art from Laura)

The shader nodes driving the look in blender.

The shader nodes driving the look in blender.

Train station underway!

Train station underway!

In the midst of recreating my blender shader inside of unity from an unlit shader.

In the midst of recreating my blender shader inside of unity from an unlit shader.

Here and below are many little tests I did, communicating back with the others to make sure they agreed with the direction I was going.